Driisa Training Academy


Monday - Saturday

BLS and First Aid Training

Explore your
potential as a Caregiver

We pride ourselves on providing innovative, high-quality training that prepares individuals to excel in the caregiving profession. Our programs are designed to be comprehensive and practical, providing individuals with the skills and knowledge they need to provide excellent care to those in need. Whether you’re just starting your career in caregiving or looking to enhance your skills and knowledge, we have a program that can meet your needs.

BLS and First Aid Training

Our BLS and first aid training prepares individuals to respond to emergency situations and provide life-saving interventions, including CPR, AED, and first aid skills. We cover topics such as recognizing and responding to common medical emergencies such as heart attacks, strokes, and choking, as well as how to assess and manage injuries such as burns, fractures, and bleeding. Our training includes hands-on practice with CPR and AED use, as well as scenario-based simulations to prepare individuals to respond effectively to emergency situations.

Our renowned training program will equip you with:

  • Life-saving skills
  • Hands-on practice with CPR and AED use
  • Ways to respond confidently to emergency situations
  • Skills for the approach of common medical emergencies
  • Ways to assess and manage injuries and illnesses
  • Skills and knowledge to be a first responder in emergency situations

Our Clients Says

Ready to get started? Contact us!

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